Tursi loves to have a good time! |
Recently, Tursi became the designated mom in the front
lagoon as the other mother and calf pairs weaned. She now shares the lagoon
with her two year old son, Gambit, two year old Flagler, three year olds Delta,
Louie, and Luna, and six year olds Cayo and Gypsi. For any other mother, this
may have been a fluke full, but Tursi is our supermom. She enjoys every single
minute of it.
As she continues to nurse and teach Gambit, she’s also taken
Flagler and Delta under her flipper. The four them can often be seen swimming
around the lagoon together. Being a naturally nurturing dolphin, Tursi easily
keeps all of the youngsters in line.
Not only is Tursi blissfully happy to be the resident mom,
but she’s also learning a lot from her younger lagoon mates. She’s begun to be
more lenient in her mothering style. Normally, during a session Tursi will swim
away to check on Gambit. However, she’s begun to do this less frequently and
even allows him to play with more objects than she has in the past.
The funniest part of all is that Tursi has decided she, once
again, enjoys a game of seaweed toss with her human friends! She often brings a
wad of sea grass over to the dock for her friends to throw back out to her. She’s
done this with several staff and volunteers, on different occasions. This game
is often played by the much younger dolphins, so it’s refreshing to see Tursi
get in on the action. The youngsters may have inspired her!
As she plays, Gambit watches. Not only is Tursi interacting
with her human family but at the same time she’s teaching Gambit how to play. This
ensures that Gambit knows the rules but also allows him to play a bit on his
own. When she’s decided the game is over she happily swims away with her son in
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