Wednesday, December 17, 2008

'Tis the Season!

There’s still time to get a holiday photo taken with the dolphins at DRC. We offer the program twice a day, seven days a week. Who needs reindeer when you can pose on a dock next to Rainbow? Dash away all and visit the DRC website for more information about Holiday Photos. (Available until 12/22!)

In the meantime, DRC recently received some wonderful gifts. At the Parrotheads in Paradise convention in Key West, Vice President of Marketing and Development Rita Irwin was presented with a $5000.00 check. Many thanks to all the Jimmy Buffet fans who made that donation possible. DRC was also named the Best Tourist Attractor by the Marathon Chamber of Commerce.

DRC's VP of Marketing and Development Rita Irwin holds the Parrotheads' donation check for Pax to admire.

Pax approves of DRC's "Best Tourist Attractor" award presented by the Marathon Chamber of Commerce